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"Luke Ford reports all of the 'juicy' quotes, and has been doing it for years." (Marc B. Shapiro)
"This guy knows all the gossip, the ins and outs, the lashon hara of the Orthodox world. He’s an [expert] in... all the inner workings of the Orthodox world." (Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff)"This generation's Hillel." (Nathan Cofnas)
Daily Archives: December 10, 2023
New Yorker: How to Build a Better Motivational Speaker: The upstart motivator Jesse Itzler wants to reform his profession—while also rising to the top
You don’t become a great motivational speaker ala Oprah and Tony Robbins by telling the truth. There are too many other people and institutions doing that. You become special by relaying something special, but few people have a trove of … Continue reading
Posted in Guru, Tony Robbins
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Decoding Joe Biden’s Foreign Policy (12-10-23)
01:00 Israel won’t accept hezbollah: https://www.ft.com/content/4d30b0fb-db32-4c22-8ebb-e979520753f918:00 Kiev Grim News: Rus Advance Rabotino, Congress Hardens Stance, Hyperinflation Fear; US Isolated Gaza, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBrwRIEoBmc23:00 News: F*** the EU: Alleged audio of US diplomat Victoria Nuland swearing35:00 NYT: Talk of a Trump Dictatorship Charges … Continue reading
Posted in America
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How do you get energized? From connecting with people you love. (12-8-23)
Posted in Energy
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NYT: Talk of a Trump Dictatorship Charges the American Political Debate
If America was in danger of slipping into a dictatorship, trillions of dollars would move out of America (because in a dictatorship, you no longer have the rule of law and wealth can be arbitrarily confiscated), and the U.S. dollar … Continue reading
Posted in Neoconservatives
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