Monthly Archives: November 2023

Network of Lies: The Epic Saga of Fox News, Donald Trump, and the Battle for American Democracy by Brian Stelter

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The Fall: The End of Fox News and the Murdoch Dynasty

Here are some highlights from this hilarious 2023 book by Michael Wolff: * Someone was gay, Murdoch was saying to a few friends — really, his wife’s friends — who had joined him at the patio table in St. Barts. … Continue reading

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Rape as a weapon of war in the Arab-Israeli conflict (11-26-23)

01:00 My Fourth Day On Adderall, Hamas releases 40 hostages19:30 Who is Defeated in Gaza: Israel or Hamas?, Is The West An Unreliable Ally?, Rape & The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Tucker Carlson talks to Glenn Greenwald about … Continue reading

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Rape & The Arab-Israeli Conflict

One of the good things I’ve repeatedly heard about Israel’s armed forces is that they rarely rape, but according to this Washington Post article, Palestinians have rarely raped Israelis (until the October 7 Hamas attack on southern Israel). Some forces … Continue reading

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Is The West An Unreliable Ally?

I’m noticing this trope from many pundits — that America and the West are not stalwart allies. Is anyone a stalwart ally? I fail to see how the West is less reliable than other entities. Betrayal is inevitable in all … Continue reading

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