Daily Archives: December 24, 2023

Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos, and the Washington Post

Marty Baron, former Editor of the Post, writes in this 2023 book: * As our visit commenced, at seven p.m. The Post published a report that was likely to secure our No. 1 spot [on Trump’s enemies list] for a … Continue reading

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The US Is Losing – Is Israel Winning? (12-24-23)

01:00 Why America is losing04:00 Media links Trump with Nazism13:00 Colorado Supreme Court rules Trump ineligible 18:00 WSJ: Biden Convinced Netanyahu to Halt a Pre-Emptive Strike Against Hezbollah, https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/how-biden-averted-a-second-front-by-convincing-israel-not-to-attack-hezbollah-on-oct-11-e14a0a3b?mod=hp_lead_pos220:40 Is Israel winning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4yt3r3Gsbk25:50 The Problem of Intelligence – IQ and … Continue reading

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