Monthly Archives: October 2023

Aish: From Christian Missionary to Observant Jew

Bluma Gordon writes for Shannon Nuszen’s mission was to convert as many Jews as possible. Her fealty to the truth sent her in an unexpected direction. The recent story of Michael Elkcohen, the undercover Christian missionary who masqueraded as … Continue reading

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The Nix (2016)

I’m reading Nathan Hill’s novel The Nix. Here are some highlights: * “Porn is a problem for the whole project of enlightenment,” Alice said. “If otherwise rational, educated, literate, moral, and ethical men still need to look at this, then … Continue reading

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Idea Deflection Is A Symptom Of Under-Earning

One of the 12 symptoms of under-earning according to Underearners Anonymous is: “Idea Deflection – We compulsively reject ideas that could expand our lives or careers, and increase our profitability.” I’ve been thinking about my character trait of dismissiveness. It’s … Continue reading

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Hamas v Israel

A friend says: What gets me about how the propaganda front is going is that Hamas clearly attacked Israeli with a mind to the second and third order consequences of their actions; and there’s very little discussion of that among … Continue reading

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When The Camera Turns On You

I heard a comment once on talk radio that everybody thinks he can act, run a country, and host a talk show. Acting is largely reacting and a large part of the TV sports broadcast is up-close shots of members … Continue reading

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