Daily Archives: October 29, 2023

Idea Deflection Is A Symptom Of Under-Earning

One of the 12 symptoms of under-earning according to Underearners Anonymous is: “Idea Deflection – We compulsively reject ideas that could expand our lives or careers, and increase our profitability.” I’ve been thinking about my character trait of dismissiveness. It’s … Continue reading

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Hamas v Israel

A friend says: What gets me about how the propaganda front is going is that Hamas clearly attacked Israeli with a mind to the second and third order consequences of their actions; and there’s very little discussion of that among … Continue reading

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When The Camera Turns On You

I heard a comment once on talk radio that everybody thinks he can act, run a country, and host a talk show. Acting is largely reacting and a large part of the TV sports broadcast is up-close shots of members … Continue reading

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