Monthly Archives: July 2020

How Not To Get Sued

Getting sued is no fun, and there are good practices that you can follow to not only reduce your odds of getting sued, but also to improve the quality of your life and relationships with others. I have found that … Continue reading

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Loneliness & Eccentricity

I spent six years of my twenties largely bedridden. The loneliness that accompanied that lockdown led to some morose thinking and weird behavior. For example, I’d go about in my favorite red-hearts boxer shorts instead of putting on proper clothing. … Continue reading

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Sailer: BLM in Trouble with BBC Over Anti-Israel Stance

Steve Sailer writes: “Two previous eras of black supremacist ideology — the late 1960s and the early 1990s — both came a-cropper when they got too many Jews peeved at black anti-Semitism. For example, Spike Lee’s soaring movie career got … Continue reading

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NYT: Australia Thought the Virus Was Under Control. It Found a Vulnerable Spot.

From the New York Times: The authorities have locked down 300,000 people in heavily immigrant areas around Melbourne, reinforcing the coronavirus’s outsized impact on disadvantaged communities…. The rise in infections — Victoria reported 77 new cases Thursday, the most since … Continue reading

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This Week’s Parasha (Chukat-Balak) – Numbers 19-25

The Bumpy Road To The Promised Land (7-2-20) — (((Luke Ford))) (@lukeford) July 2, 2020 Various commentaries. * Judaism and Christianity have different preoccupations with sin. For Christianity, the primary problem with sin is that it cuts off the … Continue reading

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