Monthly Archives: June 2020

Orthodox Jews & Bob Grant

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: “I actually know of one gadol who used to listen to the Bob Grant show at home.” Comments: “A very reliable and exact friend of mine accompanied Meir Kahana to a live radio interview with Grant. … Continue reading

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The News

Can we be happy when the news does not go our way? Do we allow the news to determine our happiness and serenity? For an addict, to lose serenity is to put oneself astride the precipice. If you think everything … Continue reading

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Hitler’s True Believers: How Ordinary People Became Nazis

Here are some highlights from this 2020 book by professor Robert Gellately: * Hitler said of the NSDAP in the 1920s that “90 ninety percent of it was made up by left-wing people.” He also thought it was “decisive” that … Continue reading

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The Woman Who Cracked the Anxiety Code

Sally Satel writes in the WSJ: The turning point came when she confided in a friend, a World War I veteran, that she suffered from a frenzied heartbeat. “Far from being surprised or concerned,” Ms. Hoare writes, “he shrugged,” saying: … Continue reading

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What Turned Germans Into Nazis?

Andrew Stuttaford writes for the WSJ: Mr. Fritzsche examines how, during the party’s years in opposition, the Nazis were able to broaden their support away from the original ideological core to voters who, for example, just thought that “something” had … Continue reading

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