Monthly Archives: December 2018

Trump: Give Me The Wall Or I’ll Shut Down DC

00:00 Chat with Halsey English about Youtubers such as Ryan Faulk, Sean Last, Sargon of Akkad 25:00 Trump insists on the Wall 40:00 Socrates, Aristotle, English vs American rhetoric 45:00 Nancy Pelosi 47:00 Maxine Waters — a figure of mirth … Continue reading

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WP: ‘We’re white men. We did everything’: Columbia condemns student’s tirade targeting minorities

In the epic rant, there’s not one negative word about minorities, but that doesn’t stop the Washington Post from lying. Why does the Post lie so often? Because it can. Disappointed, but not surprised. Twitter, do your thing@Columbia @CC_Columbia #ColumbiaWhiteExcellence … Continue reading

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Colin Liddell writes: Due to the obsessive grip that antisemitism exerts on weak and immature minds, most of the lies that exist in the Alt-Right seem to focus on matters relating to the Jews. This is pretty odd, especially if … Continue reading

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Build The Wall Or Lose America. It’s Time To Choose!

00:00 Will the GOP ever build the wall? 03:00 Black pilled Halsey English vs white pilled KMG 10:00 Halsey’s alternative for America 12:00 James Kuntsler’s column on Gen. Flynn 27:00 Gavin McInnes banned from social media 31:00 How cucked is … Continue reading

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Huffpo: A Prominent White Supremacist Is An EMT In Virginia. Now The State Is Investigating Him.

From the Huffington Post: Alex McNabb, a white supremacist podcaster who works as an emergency medical technician in southern Virginia, is under investigation by the state’s Department of Health, a spokesperson for the department confirmed to HuffPost. McNabb, 35, is … Continue reading

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