Monthly Archives: July 2018

Women Tend To Regret Sex That Doesn’t Lead To Marriage

Comments at Steve Sailer: * …things like hook-up culture (either in college or the workplace) are an anathema to most women. Whether they look back fondly on a particular sexual act or not depends not on the act itself in … Continue reading

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Jews & The Western Tradition

MP3 Debate Night!Tonight I will be Moderating on Luke Ford Livestreams as Luke Ford @lukeford takes on Rodney Martin @MovementCritic . Topic: Jews and the Western TraditionTime: 11:00pm EST (8:00pm PST)Place: This Is Not To Be Missed! — … Continue reading

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Mommy Bloggers, #MeToo, & The Incel Threat

* An Open Letter to John Brennan * NYT: ‘A French Novelist Imagined Sexual Dystopia. Now It’s Arrived.’ MP3. * From People magazine: Author Kelly Oxford, Who Started #NotOkay, Claims Her Ex-Husband Once Threw a Phone at Her Head Kelly … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘A French Novelist Imagined Sexual Dystopia. Now It’s Arrived.’

Adam Kirsch writes for the New York Times: The sexual revolution of the 1960s, widely seen as a liberation movement, is better understood as the intrusion of capitalist values into the previously sacrosanct realm of intimate life. “Just like unrestrained … Continue reading

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‘Jewish Lessons For Gentile Survival in a Diverse World’

A friend writes: Based on what I have seen of your videos, you were born to make a parnassa out of lecturing the goyim on how to survive in this world. You could be making many, many times what you … Continue reading

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