Monthly Archives: July 2018

LAT: ‘Researchers find no difference between kids raised by two moms and kids raised by mom and dad’

A friend says about this Los Angeles Times article: There is really an underlying issue that very few persons discuss. We focus on adults’ right to have children and we now believe that the sexual orientation of the parent shouldn’t … Continue reading

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Haaretz: White Nationalist Richard Spencer Backs Israel’s Contentious Nation-state Law

From Haaretz: Amid the controversy over the Israel’s Jewish nation-state law, which the Knesset passed last week, the legislation has now received support from an American white nationalist leader – Richard Spencer. “I have great admiration for Israel’s nation-state law. … Continue reading

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Tisha B’Av Edition – Parashat Va’etchannan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) 7-23-18

Listen here. * I can see many tendencies between the Jews of the Torah and the Jews of today. For example, Moses is not all stiff upper lip like a WASP. This parasha begins with him imploring God and in … Continue reading

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The Power Of Forgiveness

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How Is The Jewish Media Reacting To The Jewish State Declaring Itself The Jewish State?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Joe: “Netanyahu is nothing special. His major asset is that much of the global media is Jewish-owned and therefore biased towards Israel. That same Jewish-owned media is biased against the United States and Europe except … Continue reading

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