Monthly Archives: March 2018

Mike Enoch, Eric Striker Critique The Nathan Cofnas Critique Of KMAC’s Culture Of Critique (3-22-18)

Tonight's Strike and Mike will be a livestream with me, @Eric_StrikerDS and @lukeford. We'll be talking about the JQ and the recent Cofnas critique of @TOOEdit's CoC. We'll critique the critique of the critique of the critique. Trust me it … Continue reading

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What The Alt Right Gets Wrong About Jews

GeoKat writes: Came across this terrific, but lengthy, interview by Luke Ford (someone with an Anglo-Saxon background who converted to Orthodox Judaism) of both Prof. Kevin MacDonald and PhD candidate Nathan Confas, the co-author of this article. Given the length … Continue reading

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Now That I Have Your Attention

Now that I have your attention—what's up with "Luke Ford: former porn blogger" thing? I take people as they are. If they are respectful and productive, I'll talk with them. We each have our own journeys. But I would like … Continue reading

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The Zero Sum

Comments at Steve Sailer: * If I am having sex with a woman you are not. If she is pergnant with, nursing, and rearing my children, she is not doing so for yours. In all but the most bizarre and … Continue reading

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Am I Trying To Convert Nazis?

Jews ask me why I enjoy talking to Richard Spencer, Greg Johnson, Kevin MacDonald, Roger Devlin, Mike Enoch, Eric Striker and other Alt Right types. I’m not sure why I love it, but I do love it. It seems like … Continue reading

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