Monthly Archives: March 2018

Hitler Vs Churchill

James Thompson writes: Rarely have two men been so savagely opposed, and so different in their formative experiences, though each had war experiences . Hitler (1889-1945) rose from nothing to absolute dominion over Europe, and fell like a stick; Churchill … Continue reading

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Do Non-Jews Have Agency?

If so, the Jewish Question is of moderate importance at most. If the JQ is primary to you, then you’re saying non-Jews lack agency. Pick a path, white man. Blame or step up? Larry says: So let’s stop “blaming” all … Continue reading

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Quantifying Anti-Semitism

Ben emails: I was reading through your recent long blog post “Quantfying Antisemitism” and have been watching your YouTube channel quite a bit lately. The Jewish question is absolutely fascinating to me. I consider myself an Antisemite, and I’ll tell … Continue reading

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Post Game: The Warski Strike Stream. Halsey English v. Mark Collett. David Duke can’t make it.

Comments on Youtube: Mark Collett is the best debater yet, as far as the Alt-Right goes. Seriously, Mark had a brilliant approach addressing these topics. Patrick Slattery was also impressive, he seems to hold a wealth of information (a real … Continue reading

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VICE: From the Inside, the White Nationalist Movement Looks Like a Total Mess

From VICE: A journalist who spent seven years embedded with the American far-right talks about how to get under their skin. Vegas Tenold is a tall, bald Norwegian who blends in just fine with neo-Nazis. He found his calling as … Continue reading

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