Monthly Archives: February 2018

The JQ in the GOP

David Cole is not able to point out where Paul Nehlen is wrong so he just calls him “obsessed”. Whenever I encounter that word flung as an accusation, I suspect the accuser has no factual or logical basis to attack … Continue reading

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NYT: What Trump’s Speech Says About His Mental Fitness

John McWhorter writes: However, the distinction between public and private speech is key here, so I am unconvinced that his current speech patterns can be analyzed as evidence of dementia. Instead, they’re characteristics of casual speech as it has always … Continue reading

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White Nationalism Is Spreading In The Orthodox Community

Listen. Anti-Trump activist Elad Nahori writes for the Forward: Something disturbing has been happening in the Orthodox world. White Nationalist language is infiltrating our public spaces. It’s happening in our shuls, in our communities, in our schools, and of course, … Continue reading

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NYT: How an Alt-Right Leader Used a Lie to Climb the Ranks

NYT: “Elliott Kline is a rising white supremacist leader. But our investigation found that his personal narrative — like much of these groups’ messaging — is built on deception.” That Elliott Kline would so extensively cooperate with this profile while … Continue reading

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What Makes Someone Jewish?

I just did a podcast with Jim Goad.

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