Monthly Archives: January 2018

Sundance film festival debuts dark tale of Jewish triplets split at birth

From Times of Israel: The triplets, it turned out, were among a number of identical siblings split up as part of a dark 1960s “nature versus nurture” social experiment led by psychoanalyst Peter Neubauer of the Jewish Board of Family … Continue reading

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Parasha Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16)

Listen here and here. According to Wikipedia: “In this parashah, Pharaoh changes his mind and sends his army after the Jewish people, trapping them at the Sea of Reeds. God commands Moses to split the sea, allowing them to pass, … Continue reading

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The most amazing thing to me is not that Ross Levinsohn (as a sales guy) would say and do the things he did, but that the LAT newsroom is both so sensitive and so gay

Read the embedded tweets. The LA Times has about the most queer newsroom in the country, hence the hyperbolic super-sensitivity to this story. And if the Times reporters are so awesome, how come they didn’t have this story? If I … Continue reading

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WP: David Gelernter, fiercely anti-intellectual computer scientist, is being eyed for Trump’s science adviser

Washington Post: Computer scientist David Gelernter, a Yale University professor who has decried the influence of liberal intellectuals on college campuses, is being considered for the role of the Donald Trump’s science adviser. Gelernter met with the president-elect at Trump … Continue reading

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Bret Stephens in NYT: “A Modest Immigration Proposal: Ban Jews”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Does Bret Stephens really believe Jewish immigrants are 100% comparable with Haitian immigrants? In Haiti people eat cookies that are made out of mud and sand because that’s how extremely poor they are. Were Jews … Continue reading

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