Daily Archives: September 4, 2017

WP: ‘U-Md. Latino students described as ‘mediocre’ and ‘pretty bad’ in mass email’

Washington Post: Latino students were described as “mediocre” and “pretty bad” in an email that was accidentally sent by a professor to students registering for a mock trial class at the University of Maryland. Mark Graber sent the missive Thursday … Continue reading

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The Second Civil War (1997)

This movie is great! It’s got sex and love addiction, Mexicans burning down the Alamo, every ethnic group at each other’s throats, and war! Comments at Steve Sailer: * The Joe Dante movie you all need to see is The … Continue reading

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Sex Addiction Is Not Our Problem

Food addiction is not our problem. Debt addiction is not our problem. Alcohol addiction is not our problem. These are all but symptoms of our problem (a broken attachment system). Recovery from sex addiction does not equal a life without … Continue reading

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Power Corrupts

I study the incisive iSteve comments of Catholic poster Maj. Kong like they’re Torah from Heaven: * A much higher % of billionaires are Jewish, than would be expected from their share of the population. The same is true with … Continue reading

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What Is Wrong With The Third World? An Indian Perspective

Jayant Bhandari writes: For those who have not traveled and immersed themselves in formerly colonized countries, it is hard to understand that although there was piping for water and sewage in Roman days, it still isn’t available for a very … Continue reading

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