Monthly Archives: September 2017

‘St. Louis synagogue opens doors to protesters against police shooting’

Who would have guessed that there would have been a negative reaction to a synagogue that sheltered the Black Lives Matters (BLM) crowd? After all, the Ferguson Effect aka explosion in black crime since 2014 has been wonderful for America. … Continue reading

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Is It Way Too Expensive To Become A Jew?

Income correlates with IQ. Why would Judaism want people who can’t keep up financially? They will more likely be a drain on communal resources. As a convert to Orthodox Judaism, I’m glad that converting to Judaism is hard. It keeps … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘The U.N. says Rohingya Muslims are facing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. So why is India trying to kick them out too?’

Gee, I wonder why. Could it be that they are Muslims and India doesn’t want more Muslims. I’m not exactly sure of any country that wants Muslims, Rohingya or otherwise. What exactly do the Rohingya have to contribute that is … Continue reading

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The Case For Gladstone

In 1989, I was living in Brisbane with my sister before moving to the Gladstone area to live with my brother. My doctor told me to be careful of Gladstone girls. They might give me a disease. Comment: “Please explain … Continue reading

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From Katy Tur’s New Book – Unbelievable

It’s a good read and a quick read (took me less than two hours to finish). This sounds like it is about Corey Lewandowski: About a week after my July Trump interview, I went for a drink with a senior … Continue reading

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