Monthly Archives: July 2017

“The People vs. O.J. Simpson”

Steve Sailer writes: “One theme of the series is spelled out in a derisive comment by Marcia Clark, who points out that the prosecution’s secret weapon is that all the alpha male egos on the Dream Team will cause the … Continue reading

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Parashas Matot, Masei (Numbers 30-36)

Listen here. Parasha Matot is Numbers 30:2–32:42, and Masei is Num. 33-36. * Num. 30:2-17 assumes that all adult women are married. By giving the husband 24 hours to nullify the wife’s vow, it assures him that he is head … Continue reading

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The Fascism Of Yaakov Moshe Harlap

In his fifth lecture on R. Yaakov Moshe Harlap, Marc Shapiro says: “His stress on the land of Israel…is not just super-Zionism but bordering on fascism. If you tell me that is the Jewish approach, then the Jewish approach is … Continue reading

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Germany Abolishes Itself

Comments at Steve Sailer: * There are no “Europeans” in Europe. There are Germans, French, English, Italians, Hungarians, Irish, Scots, Welsh, Dutch and the like. There are only Europeans in the United Sates, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and wherever else … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘How Much Black Lives Matter Terrorism Has There Been Since Ferguson?’

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I applaud your effort here but it won’t amount to much. The (((media))) pushed the narrative that innocent blacks were being systematically hunted down in the streets en masse by white police forces. Blacks and … Continue reading

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