Monthly Archives: June 2017

LAT: ‘An LAPD officer needs a bone marrow transplant. His ethnicity limits his chances of getting one’

I thought race was a social construct? But this story claims that race is real and your life might depend on racial compatibility. Los Angeles Times: Matthew Medina’s doctors diagnosed him with a rare blood disease a few months ago … Continue reading

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Nation-Building in Afghanistan, from Sean Connery to Brad Pitt

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Continuing to pour resources into a war after sixteen years is an indication that the military-industrial complex really does govern the United States. The rest of us just live here. * It’s interesting that the … Continue reading

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The affective politics of keeping it real

Commie academic Justin Murphy writes: Today, there is no longer any mass audience to speak to through dominant channels, overwhelming majorities do not trust mass media, and even the cognitively fragmented semi-mass audiences that remain will only listen to what … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Video shows woman demanding ‘white doctor’ for her son in waiting-room rant’

Washington Post: As the woman stormed through the Canadian medical facility, she was adamant: She wanted a white doctor to treat her son — not a brown one and not one with an accent. “So you’re telling me that my … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Dallas Schools, Long Segregated, Charge Forward on Diversity’

Steve Sailer comments on this article by Dana Goldstein: “When it comes to educations, “segregated” now means: not enough white kids. On the other hand, when it comes to adults voting, not enough whites is seen by the New York … Continue reading

Posted in America, Asians, Blacks, Education, Eugenics, Latino | Comments Off on NYT: ‘Dallas Schools, Long Segregated, Charge Forward on Diversity’