Monthly Archives: January 2017

LAT: Less shrinkage: This is your aging brain on the Mediterranean diet

So brain volume and fast reaction times correlate with intelligence and lifespan? Los Angeles Times: The aging brain is a shrinking brain, and a shrinking brain is, generally speaking, a brain whose performance and reaction time are declining: That is … Continue reading

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I Still Call Australia Home

I was working an office job and playing this collection of Australian folk songs over and over until I had tears in my eyes. The Peter Allen song, “I Still Call Australia Home,” killed me, particularly this stanza: Someday we’ll … Continue reading

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The alt-right movement: everything you need to know

From the Irish Times: Alt-lite: The more mainstream form of the alternative right, embodied by figures such as Vice founder Gavin McInnes or Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos. Alt-right: A young, energetic upstart faction of the Trump coalition heavily active … Continue reading

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A Truce In The Battle For The Soul Of American White Nationalism?

Southern Poverty Law Center: Richard Spencer seems to have given up on putting a spin for reporters on what happened during the National Policy Institute conference last month, when his supporters responded to a toast by throwing stiff-arm Nazi salutes … Continue reading

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Birth Tourism: Nobody in Power Is Serious About It

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The United States is just not a serious country anymore. This shouldn’t even be a difficult issue–children born to foreign diplomats on U.S. “soil” are not American citizens, so why should children born to foreigners … Continue reading

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