Daily Archives: January 20, 2017

Richard Spencer Assaulted 3x At Inauguration

The assault on me. https://t.co/z1vRYi32SP — Richard šŸø Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 20, 2017 Inaugural reaction https://t.co/41TIAoCBL8 — Richard šŸø Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 20, 2017 Just filed a report (17-011813) with the District Police regarding the assault on me yesterday. — … Continue reading

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President Trump

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I thought that Trumpā€™s inaugural speech was terrific. It was philosophically precise, coherent, and deep, and presented a clear and compelling vision. Once again, Iā€™m struck by how much sense Trumpā€™s views in aggregate make … Continue reading

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Don’t Let Women Set Public Policy

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Sane men do not allow women into positions of major authority or influence in society. From Nancy Pelosi to Madonna to Michelle Obama to Ruth Bader Ginsberg to this authoress Livingstone we can detect a … Continue reading

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