Monthly Archives: January 2017

Steve Sailer: Why is there so little money for think tanks devoted to patriotic policies?

Comments: * I wouldn’t mind seeing certain kinds of Think Tanks flourishing,….You know, ones with the right set of beliefs……Let’s see, a good litmus test would involve seeing how they respond to the fabled Fourteen Words: “We must secure the … Continue reading

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The Young Pope

In episode four, Cardinal Voiello says to The Young Pope: “Do you want to look into the [particular pedophilia ] case?” Pope: “Yes, but from a broader point of view. The individual case is always an indicator a broader issue.” … Continue reading

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Reparations For Blacks

Comment: If the U.S. were still roughly 90% white and 10% black, I do think whites would be ready to implement “reparations” policies as a final effort at black/white assimilation. However, now that blacks are just another identity group, it’s … Continue reading

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‘How many Jews do you know are electricians?’

Comment: There is an obsession with Jews on this blog. Jews are this and Jews are that and how many Jews do this and how many Jew vote like that and what do these Jews eat an wear and say … Continue reading

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Ever Tire Of People Lecturing You About Racism?

Comments: * Can someone compile a list of white liberals who lecture others about racism, together with the stats on the racial makeup of their own home neighborhoods? Wouldn’t that be useful in an argument? * How would one know … Continue reading

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