Monthly Archives: November 2016

What The Elites Don’t Get About Trump & Bannon

Steve Bannon is an American patriot. He went from the US Navy to Harvard Business School and then Goldman Sachs to TV syndication. I think his exposure as a devout Catholic to Goldman Sachs and Hollywood made him who he … Continue reading

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Post: ‘My Roman Salute w/ Tila’

If it is publicly acceptable to wear communist regalia such as a Che t-shirt and to use marxist terminology and arguments, then why shouldn’t it be equally acceptable to snap a Roman salute? Communists slaughtered far more people than Nazis … Continue reading

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Who’s Luke Ford?

Luke tweets: How could the Nazis take down Weimer without being so nazi-like? Perhaps mutual dialogue w sharing of feelings facilitated by therapist? Thesokorus shares and tweets: are you familiar with the great Luke Ford? >no whoz he Thesokorus: I … Continue reading

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Is Richard Spencer A Good Face For The Alt-Right?

Comments at Alternative Right: * Spencer was ‘larping’. He gave a very good speech, and he trolled the media at the end with ‘Hail Victory’. Media say Alt Right is ‘neo-nazi’, so he played the part. But ‘Hail’ salutes have … Continue reading

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National Politico Editor RESIGNS After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon Richard Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats’

Michael Hirsh tweets: “I think it’s good that neo-Nazi Richard Spencer is moving to Washington. It’s important that we know where he lives.” Publishing address of Nazi Richard Spencer and call for baseball bats is totally legitimate — David … Continue reading

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