Monthly Archives: August 2016

This Rabbi is Striking Back at Pedophiles — Using Twitter

Forward: Meet the rabbi who’s on a mission to educate the Orthodox community about sexual abuse—and publicly out pedophiles while he’s at it. For the past 15 years, Rabbi Yakov Horowitz has been trying to break the cycle of silence … Continue reading

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Lee Zeldin: Trump’s Jewish mini-me

Douglas Bloomfield writes for the Jewish Journal: At a time when most Congressional Republicans are trying to distance themselves from Donald Trump, one is behaving like a cheap clone of his party’s presidential candidate, complete with mind-numbing outrageous charges and … Continue reading

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Muslim charged with murder posted to Facebook moments before alleged stabbing

I wonder if shouting “Allahu Akbar” gives us a clue about the killer’s motivations? For first world countries like Australia, Muslims are an invasive species just as for Palestinians, Israeli Jews are an invasive species. NEWS: A 29-year-old French national … Continue reading

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Video of Cory Booker (D-NJ) Dancing with Shmuley Boteach on His Back in a Clown Suit

It’s naive to expect that Jews and blacks will have a lot in common. They are about as different as two peoples can be. Sure, at times, they are both cooperating members of the Coalition of the Fringe and have … Continue reading

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Another Sleepless Night

When my alarm went off at 5:35 am, I was in a dream where these dusky guys were making fun of me online and I ran into them in person and I tried desperately to connect with them and to … Continue reading

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