Daily Archives: May 24, 2016

Can you spot a terrorist just by looking at their face? New software can tell if you are anything from a paedophile to an ace poker player by analysing your features

Daily Mail: A company claims it can identify terrorists, paedophiles and ace poker players simply by looking at their face. Faception, an Israeli start-up, says its technology can spot character traits that are undetectable to the naked eye. The company … Continue reading

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How To Defend Yourself Online

Vox Day blogs: The New Femininity writes an essay on How to Defend Yourself From the SJW Mob: Never assume anyone is going to be fair to you No one is going to be fair to you and no one … Continue reading

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My Name Is Bill Kristol — and How I Became a Renegade Jew

Forward: I’m a Renegade Jew. It didn’t start out that way. I was just an ordinary Jew, putting in my Jewish time, observing the Jewish calendar, mostly blowing off my Jewish responsibilities except for lip service to the faith on … Continue reading

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How Netanyahu Showed the Army Who’s Boss by Handing the Keys to the Far Right

J.J. Goldberg writes: There are many ways to describe the Israeli cabinet shakeup that brings arch-nationalist Avigdor Lieberman into the Netanyahu government as defense minister. It’s a broadening and firming of a shaky coalition. It’s a lurch to the right. … Continue reading

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100 Africans Convert To Judaism On Island Of Madagascar

As Israel gets richer, people around the world decide to become Jewish. Forward: More than 100 men and women converted to Judaism in Madagascar this month, a historic first for the large island nation off the southeast coast of Africa. … Continue reading

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