Monthly Archives: May 2016

Alt Right Safe Space in Berkeley

Anatoly Karlin writes: On May 6, Richard Spencer and the Bay Area Alt Right organized a “safe space” for Europeans at Sproul Plaza, U.C. Berkeley. Although I do not strictly consider myself Alt Right (or NRx), I do support about … Continue reading

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‘My students are know-nothings.’

I think most people who go to college in the USA do not belong in college. A professor tells me: “You just wouldn’t believe what college is like now. No standards at all. It’s all about economics–it’s a business, and … Continue reading

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Dear Luke,

A goy professor writes: One thing about Judaism is that if you hang out in there long enough, as you have, I imagine you don’t much rub shoulders with functionally illiterate 32-year old women… too bad for you, right? Haha. … Continue reading

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Jewish Feminists: #Shoutyourabortion

The Forward tweets: “Have you had an abortion? We want to hear from you. #ShoutYourAbortion” Forward: Last week, our own Larry Cohler-Esses shared his story of helping a close friend obtain an abortion in 1969, when it was still illegal … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Gender Gap

Steve Sailer writes: The concept of an electoral gender gap was introduced into public discourse by feminists shortly after the 1980 election. They pointed out that Reagan had done less well among women than among men. I pointed out in … Continue reading

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