Hillary’s Gender Gap

Steve Sailer writes:

The concept of an electoral gender gap was introduced into public discourse by feminists shortly after the 1980 election. They pointed out that Reagan had done less well among women than among men. I pointed out in response that Reagan had just defeated a sitting president 51-41, so maybe Democrats should be wondering about their gender gap problem.

But the point of traditional feminist gender gap rhetoric is not to provide a tool for numerical analysis, it’s to delegitimize the other side’s voters as not quite deserving of human rights. How can Democratic candidates succeed with their strategy of demonizing men if are men still allowed to vote? Something must be done about male suffrage.


* HMS Hillary is leaking badly here in late May ’16. Everything about her campaign is bogus. Gender gap hysterics are a device to deflect attention from her own huge gender gap.

Sanders is protesting Kentucky results and why not?

Nobody really wants Billy Jeff back in the Whitehouse. It’s a big whiff the idea that he should be in charge of the economy.

The IG report on Hillary email server did some damage also. Her bff allies in big media are panicking. Could be a dramatic climax to this soap opera / food fight.

* Apparently, insulting European-American male culture, blaming it for all your problems, and making its members pay a Danegeld has consequences. Namely, that people in that group who like that group are going to get increasingly ornery at you the more you try to make the group into the underclass.

* Remember Hillary was going to make a big deal about gun-control? Well, her ally Katie Couric just stepped into it and it’s backfired spectacularly:


Even some people on the left are decrying the “creative editing” technique: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/erik-wemple/wp/2016/05/25/audiotape-katie-couric-documentary-falsely-depicts-gun-supporters-as-idiots/

* … this is a realignment election, where the parties’ coalitions are openly forming new alliances. It’s happened many times in U.S. History. In Europe, what usually happens is a party disintegrates and new parties take over, but in the U.S. the parties just realign their bases.

The 1960-2012 coalitions:
-Dems coalition: white poor, blacks, women, unions, Jews, social lefties; large government; regulated trade; gun control, limited foreign intervention
-R’s coalition: social conservatives; white upper class non-Jews, white middle class; small government, free trade; strong foreign intervention.

The post-2016 realignment:
-D’s coalition: open borders, mass immigration, free trade with foreign countries, interventionism at all levels abroad; second-class citizenship to whitey, caste system protecting its voters (“more equal than others”); blatant quotas; punishment of wrongdoers based on their social category rather than individual crime; anti-Christian.
-R’s coalition: national borders, protectionism; unions (yes! unions!); non-interventionism abroad; destruction of caste system/quotas (affirmative action, hate crime laws); crime punished on the the individual level with no reference to your social class.

I’m an old Milton Friedman-enthusiast, but Friedman admits that unions are nothing new—the guild system is as old as time (the Romans and the Persians and the Egyptians had various guilds for their workers and artisans). The fact is, normal law-abiding folk organized themselves into labor cartels at every opportunity. It’s human nature. The best way societies can deal with it is to heavily regulate it., not outlaw it or not regulate it at all—that’s how the violence and organized crime come in.

I hate admitting it, but the NLRB / federal intervention into union-managment activity was probably a government expansion we needed as a nation. Without Teddy Roosevelt intervening in the coal strike of his presidency, half the Northeast might have frozen that winter.

Unions just need to be watched very carefully—as carefully as federal legal decisions should be watched.

* Almost all of the White men I know personally are either Donald Trump supporters, Bernie Sanders supporters, or don’t care about politics at all and don’t plan to vote for anybody. It’s mostly White males from the elites that like Hildabeast.

* Those Disney and California electric utility American employees who were forced to train their Imported Foreign Scab Labor H-1B replacements?

Were they “college-educated white men”?

Having already destroyed the U.S. middle class, the Globalist Imported Cheap Third World Scab Labor racket has also been biting ever more deeply into the wallets, ambitions, and social lives of “college educated white men.” The racket’s now squeezing those “college-educated white men” to rethink their political allegiances – so that white men’s political compass realigns from the pain they feel in their wallets, and from the racket-smashed dreams and hopes they’d had for their children.

* Unions also gave a lot of working-class guys a very real and important sense of belonging and of importance. You might just be a lowly coal shoveller, but you were part of a group, a group that protected you, a group you drank beer with every Friday and had hotdogs with every fourth of july, a group that donated blood when your kid was sick. You were valued by a group beyond your family, and they kept you safe. Like nationalism, that kind of camaraderie and self-worth has been ignored by the modern globalists—but it really meant something if all you were was a coal shoveller.

Remember the unions attacked the hippies a shit ton. The Hard Hat Riots were real, and around the nation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Hat_Riot . They were D’s by convenience and coalition—a coalition that is breaking now.

Small wonder unions dovetailed with ethnic groups.

* The South always hated unions, perhaps because of the name-if they’d called themselves the Confederation of Workers or something maybe it would have been different, and maybe not.

As a kid I always wondered why the car plants didn’t build in the South instead of having all those “hillbillies and colored people”, as my dad always called autoworkers (okay, he used a different word for “colored people”) migrate north. It didn’t take long to figure it out once I started working in various places.

There is no question you can manufacture in the South. Hartley Peavey is living proof of that. But Peavey is definitely no one’s idea of a high end product.

* Generally speaking, the MSM seems a lot more reluctant to break down women down into categories according to class and race. I guess it could be problematic for the rainbow alliance if say, working class white women had different views to educated middle class women, or white women had different views to black women.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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