Monthly Archives: April 2016

Putting A Jolt In Your Allahu

* Friend: “At least Sanders and Trump are honest.” Luke: “I don’t think Trump is particularly honest.” Friend: “He’s basically honest.” Luke: “As honest as my invoices.” * Dermatology is the best medical specialty, because your patients never die and … Continue reading

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The Use Of The Self

When I see somebody’s use of themselves, I’m looking at how they talk to themselves. Unnecessary compression results from a punitive attitude to the self. I rarely find someone with terrible use who’s at ease with himself and I rarely … Continue reading

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Academe Finally Discovers Right-Wing Critics Of Conservatism Inc. Will MSM Be Next?

I posted yesterday about the conservative thinkers Dennis Prager finds most profound. I don’t find George Will and Charles Krauthammer profound, nor such publications as the Wall Street Journal and National Review, while Paul Johnson and Tom Sowell are hit … Continue reading

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When Should The Majority Bow To The Wishes Of Minorities?

Traditional Orthodox Jews usually avoid shaking hands with women (or any touching of women who aren’t family). Not only the traditional Jew and Muslim are worthy of respect, but so are the norms of the nations, which insist on such … Continue reading

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Election Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer: * He is not a flake. All you have to do is look at his wife, or wives, and his kids. The kids seem well adjusted. The wives have been pretty sharp and attractive ladies. Just … Continue reading

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