Daily Archives: December 24, 2015

Divide, Conquer, Colonize

Dan Sanchez writes: As US-driven wars plummet the Muslim world ever deeper into jihadi-ridden failed state chaos, events seem to be careening toward a tipping point. Eventually, the region will become so profuse a font of terrorists and refugees, that … Continue reading

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What Do You Do When An Alpha Move Goes Wrong?

From the Chateau: I post this gif clip with the knowledge that there’s a strong possibility it was staged. (h/t IHTG for passing it along) But, assuming for the sake of Game proficiency inculcation that it’s an authentic capture of … Continue reading

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White People Are Horrible. It’s Time For Them To Be Exiled To Their Own Country

From the Chateau: It’s fun pointing out the abject hypocrisy of leftoids and provoking them to ragequit their “””arguments””” mid-brain fart. Not that it does any good — leftoids are invulnerable to appeals to reason or accountability (just like women) … Continue reading

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How can we stop dumb people from driving?

Psychometrician Linda Gottfredson wrote in 2004: “IQ was the best predictor of the major cause of death, motor vehicle accidents. Vehicular death rates doubled and then tripled at successively lower IQ ranges (100–115, 85–100, 80–85; O’Toole, 1990).” Perhaps no drivers … Continue reading

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When Did I Board The Trump Express?

On June 16, 2015, when Donald Trump announced he was running for president, a friend of mine listened to his speech on the radio. When we met up that morning, he told that I would love Donald Trump. He was … Continue reading

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