Monthly Archives: November 2015

Steve Sailer: Obama Is a Genetic Determinist When It Comes to Sports Talent

From Steve Sailer: On GoTrackTownUSA, 3 time All-American female distance runner Alexi Pappas writes: ALEXI PAPPAS: WHAT THE PRESIDENT SAID By Alexi Pappas / TrackTown USA EUGENE, Ore. – My family stood together in the small waiting room just outside … Continue reading

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The White Guy Award

REPORT: So, let’s take a look at the past winners. Have they all fallen in line with Love’s “white guy” claim? 2013: Kevin Love (check) 2012: Kevin Love (check) 2011: Kevin Love (check) 2010: Luis Scola (check) 2009: Mehmet Okur … Continue reading

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What’s the loneliest place in the world? The Puerto Rican Cultural Center.

* Jewish Friend: When my kids were little, I used to say “what’s the best day to go to the Bronx Zoo?” Answer: During the Puerto Rican Day Parade. * Jewish Friend: “You’re very racist today.” Luke: “I wasn’t like … Continue reading

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High IQ Communities

The highest IQ society in history was probably the ancient Greeks around the time of Plato (average of 120 is one guess). Many Ashkenazi communities today would average 120. The average IQ of a Modern Orthodox shul is probably close … Continue reading

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Gives new meaning to the term ‘Drill sergeant’

I am really glad that we now make it easier for gays to serve in the military. Just what every straight guy wants in the trenches and the barracks and the showers — a little anal rape. It was nice … Continue reading

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