Daily Archives: September 10, 2015

Cuckservatism explained: What’s right and wrong with this new meme

Gavin McInnes writes: Every time I try to engage someone in a debate or even present a challenging idea, the response is “I can’t even.” Young people are especially unable to deal and will add, “I literally can’t,” “I don’t … Continue reading

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Israel & The Syrian Refugees

From Mondoweiss: Israel has refused to take a single refugee. Opposition leader Isaac Herzog called on Netanyahu’s hard-line right-wing government “to act toward receiving refugees from the war in Syria, in addition to the humanitarian efforts it is already making.” … Continue reading

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Can We Save The West By Bringing In Millions Of Low IQ Muslim Refugees?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The common argument is that the unconscious Jewish motivation to promote multiculturalism is that a culture that is race blind and full of others will keep Jews themselves from being identified and “Othered” where they’re … Continue reading

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The Gifts Of Islamic Refugees

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The problem of using Orwell as a user manual is that there will always be men outside control of the state. Unlike 1984. That was true even in the Soviet Union. Men are primally driven … Continue reading

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NYT: “Justice Dept. to Put Focus on White-Collar Criminals”

Steve Sailer writes: “For new Attorney General Loretta Lynch to focus on white-collar criminals would be a big change from former Attorney General Eric Holder’s obsession with white non-criminals like Darren Wilson and non-white non-criminals like George Zimmerman.” Comments: * … Continue reading

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