NYT: “Justice Dept. to Put Focus on White-Collar Criminals”

Steve Sailer writes: “For new Attorney General Loretta Lynch to focus on white-collar criminals would be a big change from former Attorney General Eric Holder’s obsession with white non-criminals like Darren Wilson and non-white non-criminals like George Zimmerman.”


* Apparently [Eric] Holder was pretty easy on white collar criminals and has joined a law firm that defends a lot of white collar criminals. It seems the law firm has a revolving door with the DOJ.

* It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I’m all for it, but it violates the modern strategy of the high and low ganging up on the middle. If the DOJ starts trolling the upper crust of society, the results may become anti-Semitic. Any sample of society’s elite will turn up a disproportionate number of people with Ashkenazi ancestry.

* Is there any evidence to suggest that Whites are even a substantial portion of White collar criminals? From my casual reading I’d say that White collar criminals come in the following varieties:

*Embezzlers, mostly “diverse.” See the City of Bell.
*Credit Card Fraud, and identity theft, mostly done by overseas rings of Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans plus Russians.
*Insider Trading, mostly ethnic networks of Indians, see Raj Rajnaratam and Galleon Trading.

This could either be Lynch being too stupid to realize who is actually committing crimes, and in for a rude shock when the perp walks are staged (and they are almost entirely non-White); or a desire to re-define “White Collar Crime” to the point of felony convictions for not putting the proper recycle trash in the proper bin, “racism” and other social control prosecutions to dispirit and attack the White middle class.

But I think most White Collar Criminals are in fact, not White. The only places where I see Whites playing a significant role is the semi-legal pot dispensaries, and motorcycle gangs by definition neither White collar.

* Late in the game for Obama justice department. Maybe, though, we can at least get a civil action against Jon Corzine. Misappropriating/stealing $2 billion. Or how about Richard Fuld: quarter after quarter he signed off on financial statements that contained financial shenanigans/derivatives whose sole intent was to obscure the dire condition of Lehman’s balance sheet. Are these white-collary enough for the Loretta Lynch? Don’t hold your breath.

* Trying to be objective, but every income tax scammer seems to be black, and many, many of the (low tech) identity theft perpetrators seem to be black – at least according to the many, many news articles I’ve read over the past few years. The method of operation in these cases always seems to be a black female employee on the inside of some bank, hospital, or medical practice steals employee or patient SSNs, sells them to some black male associate on the street, and the frauds are committed. I’m not saying White people haven’t done scams like this, but it just seems, anecdotally, that blacks are the usual perpetrators.

* American Renaissance’s “Color of Crime” report a decade ago broke out racial difference by type of crime. Blacks had triple the rates of whites even for the white collar crime of embezzlement.

However, I think that price-fixing antitrust violations were almost all white.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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