Can We Save The West By Bringing In Millions Of Low IQ Muslim Refugees?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The common argument is that the unconscious Jewish motivation to promote multiculturalism is that a culture that is race blind and full of others will keep Jews themselves from being identified and “Othered” where they’re a minority.

* One interesting thing about this whole “refugee crisis” is that it has morphed in the past week or so from “Save the children”, especially those dead on a Turkish beach, to “Save the West by bringing in warm bodies.”

My conditional defense of what Merkel was designing was based on the latter concept, but it was also based on successful assimilation. I don’t know if assimilation will work, but if it does, then that will be OK to that extent. On the other hand, the genetic alteration (in HBD terms) is going to happen and I can understand that a lot of people aren’t going to be too happy about that.

However, bringing in all these warm bodies isn’t solving the fundamental problem, which is that the West is accustomed to a certain level of consumerism and benefits, and these immigrants are supposed to essentially work to support those things. I don’t suppose that these new immigrants — either to the EU or the US — are going to be satisfied with the privilege of working in the fields while the caucasians are sipping their lattes and talking about race relations at Starbucks.

Lots of ways this could mutate. Standards of living to decline. Racial/cultural conflict in the streets. Legislation against abortion, contraception, fornication: these would require a sort of neo-Puritan ideology. Ghost towns popping up all over EU and US. As much as I would prefer these changes to be gradual and non-violent, the less I am thinking that will be the case. And tomorrow is an anniversary.

The only positive I can see from all of this is that it definitely underscores the fundamental irrelevance of both WWG [Gay] and WWT [Transgendered].

* My view is that it is best to look at open borders enthusiasm as a totem. It is one of the ways the anointed distinguish themselves from the benighted. Anti-racism is the most obvious example of how this works. The anointed compete with one another, for example, over how much outrage they can muster at something like the SC church shooting. Across the political spectrum, good thinkers were falling all over themselves to get their public act of piety out there on the stage.

Open borders is an off-shoot of this impulse. Strangely, the traditional bad thinkers are not as opposed to immigration as the narrative suggests. In the American South, most white are relatively indifferent to immigration. Hispanics have been working agriculture for decades. They now fill the low-skill manufacturing jobs. In the cultural hierarchy, they slide in above the blacks as a nice buffer.

I’ll just note that Trump is a quintessential New Yorker, no one’s idea of a red neck from the South. That’s what has the good whites in a panic. A member of the ruling coalition is breaking ranks on a moral issue. Immigration is not an issue that divides the good whites from the bad whites so much as it divides the good whites from each other.

* Donald Trump said on “Hannity” tonight that he sympathizes with the millions of migrants who are fleeing war-torn parts of Africa and the Middle East, but we already have too many problems in the U.S. to be taking in refugees.

“From a humanitarian standpoint, I’d love to help, but we have our own problems,” Trump told Sean Hannity. “We have so many problems that we have to solve.”

He noted that tremendously wealthy, powerful Gulf states – such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain – are not taking in refugees.

“Russia’s not taking, nobody’s taking. We’re supposed to take? We have to straighten out our own problems,” Trump stated.

* Unfortunately the average refugee is capable of little contribution given his or her educational capacity. A comparison of Syria and the state of Mississippi education rankings is revealing.

For example, the best university Syria has to offer is Damascus University. (Motto: ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge.’) Student number: 210,929.

Webometics ranking of the worlds universities indicates Damascus University compares quite favorably with Mississippi College, (3540th vs 3376 worldwide), however Damascus University does appear to be out-muscled scholastically by two other Mississippi universities, Mississippi University, (442 worldwide) and the University of Southern Mississippi (817 worldwide).

According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, the top three Syrian universities are:
1) Damascus University (3540th worldwide) 2) The University of Aleppo (7176th) and 3) Tishreen University (7968th).

The upcoming tragedy to have the largest sting in Germany and Austria is the tragedy of the commons when they learn their public places can no longer sustain ‘nice things’.

* “the openness demonstrated by Germany is excellent news for all those who are worried about a decrepit and aging Europe. One can indeed acknowledge that Germany has but little choice in the matter, given its very low birth rate.”

Paraphrase: Anyone who is worried about ethnic Germans can be thrilled that leading university intellectuals have organized an aggressive and swift death. I am stunned that someone could write and publish this. It is so brutally hateful and smugly so. I am also stunned that this is an academic intellectual with the top most credentials who represents the west.

If ethnic German birth rates are such a huge problem, why doesn’t that group try organizing together and raising them? Thirty years ago, their biggest problem was the Berlin Wall, no one was talking about university economist professors organizing their complete ethnic annihilation.

This would make a great iPad game: start with a wealthy society of privileged racists, and use mass immigration displacement to get your PhD, tenure, and then journal publication!

* I don’t understand these billionaires and their servants in the MSM.

When you have a garden, something that produces wonderful things that you consume and enjoy, you don’t allow it to be overrun by weeds.

Why would billionaires want their gardens overgrown with weeds? They are stupid gardeners.

* You don’t get growth simply by having more people, but by having productive people. At a loss how any economist expects an uneducated unassimilated underclass hostile to the larger culture helps things. Most are unemployable.Their children will overcrowd schools and ERs. They won’t speak the language. Their entitlement/dole expenses greatly exceed anything they could add to any country’s GDP.And this is before you take account of their penchant for terrorism. and their desire to destroy Western culture.

* Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Allah who?
Allahu akbar!

* Knock, knock
Who’s there?
Oh, just a poor hungry immigrant who wants to live in freedom
OK, you can come in and clean our toilets for forty years
Thank you
Say, that’s a really nice vest!

* All that’s necessary for bad Jews to triumph is for good Jews to do nothing. Irving Kristol wrote about this in his essay, “The Political Stupidity of the Jews.”

* For assimilation to happen, the host culture would have to be highly self-confident, perhaps even to the point of disdain for alien cultures; make the foreign peoples crave to conform. But that isn’t the way things are. Instead of Teddy Roosevelt deriding hyphenated Americans, we’ve got the European sociopolitical leadership like Piketty citing “diversity” as one of the best features of the immigrant wave they’re creating.

Europe shows no talent for assimilating truly alien cultures, anyway. The Gypsies migrated into the continent hundreds of years ago, but they remain a distinct subculture largely at odds with their unwilling hosts. The Ottoman Empire islamized large portions of eastern Europe, and despite the passage of hundreds of years this legacy has led to wars and the restructuring of national borders within our lifetimes.

There will be no real assimilation. Western Europe is self-Balkanizing for essentially ideological reasons. Two thousand years from now historians will be basing careers on trying to come up with the best sane-sounding explanation for why presumably intelligent men and women engineered the crack-ups of their homelands.

* The last thing Europe needs is more low-skilled workers with limited to no command of the major European languages. The current (April) EU unemployment rate is 9.6%. Most major countries are higher, with Greece at 25.6% and Spain at 22.5%. Italy and France are both in double digits. The only big countries below the average are the UK (5.6%) and Germany (at 4.7%, the lowest). Plus, many of the refugees are Islamic, a religion whose adherents have not traditionally integrated into the European mainstream and who are also responsible for almost all current terrorist activity there. Of course, the more “welcoming” the European nations are to the refugees, the more they will get. As someone once said (was it Herb Kahn?), something that can’t go on forever will eventually stop, and so it will be with the current situation. In time the Europeans will get tired of masses of non-assimilating, poor, unskilled immigrants who mainly want welfare benefits and who can find no place in the sophisticated, high-tech European economy. This thing is far from over, and the ending may not be pretty.

* I am surprised Steve has not wrote a blog about about the $6.4 million dollar payout to Freddie Gray’s family.

Pretty much everybody in the comments section of American Renaissance believe that the Gray family will blow through their entire new found fortune within a short period of time and be broke again. It will not be very long before the Gray family goes from Black Bourgeoisie in the predominantly White affluent suburbs to back to the Black underclass in the housing projects of Baltimore.

Even though Freddie Gray was a drug dealer, it was reported on Fox News that at the time of his death his personal net worth was literally zero. He had no property, automobile, or liquid cash assets to his name.

What is the point of being a drug dealer if you are always broke. No wonder Blacks are vastly over represented among low level broke as hell drug dealers and under represented among high level drug dealers who make millions or even billions of dollars a year.

Even in the criminal world there is income inequality between Black drug dealers and White drug dealers/Asian drug dealers/Mestizo drug dealers.

Blacks on average are so low IQ that even in the criminal world most of them do not know how to turn crime into an extremely profitable profession.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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