Monthly Archives: June 2015

Rabbinical Council of California v. Jakma, Inc. et al

The RCC has sued Schwartz’s Bakery ( in U.S. District Court. The RCC alleges that Schwartz’s Bakery has fraudulently put RCC hashgacha (kosher) stickers on its product since 2013. “That’s a blatant fraud on the community,” says one macher. “This … Continue reading

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White Supremacists

I’m reading the New York Times today about white supremacist Dylann Storm Roof. Heidi Beirich, the director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s intelligence project, which tracks the activity of American hate groups, said the gunman’s reported comments reflected a … Continue reading

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White Man Kills 9 At Black Church

I wonder how many white folks will be attacked in revenge for what this maniac did. And for decades this will be used as a “rebuttal” of any argument that Blacks disproportionately attack whites. I also note the near glee … Continue reading

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Much Of What Putin Does Seems To Correlate With The Rabbis

What Orthodox Jew would quibble with Putin’s restrictions on freedom of expression? What mainstream Jewish organization would not support criminalizing Holocaust denial? When free speech is good for the Jews, Jewish organizations push it. When it is bad for the … Continue reading

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Results Correlate With Average Race IQ

Different groups have different gifts, including different cognitive abilities. The New York Times does not allow for comments on this article. They might upset the narrative. New York Times: On a common licensing exam called Praxis Core, a new test … Continue reading

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