Monthly Archives: May 2015

The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews Promotes Censorship, Hate Speech Laws, Multi-Culturalism

It is sad to see organized Jewry at the forefront of the struggle to limit speech. Here is its 2015 General Election manifesto: * With the growth of social media, Antisemitism is finding new forms of expression which must be … Continue reading

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Chinese Apparently Lack Subtlety In Their Attitudes To Blacks

Shame Chinese lack nuance on blacks. They don’t understand white privilege. The poor chinese don’t understand how oppressed they are. They’ll never amount to anything with these backwards attititudes. They’re just hurting themselves. A growing number of black people … Continue reading

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5 Ways Sex Addiction Recovery Can Get Derailed

Linda Hatch writes: The problem arises when the addict’s “sobriety” was only skin deep. Treatment involves addressing many different issues and neglecting any of them is not an option. Here are some of the reasons sex addiction treatment can fail … Continue reading

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Narcissists Watch More Porn: Enter Eroticized Rage

Linda Hatch writes: For the narcissistic sex addict, compulsively seeking out pornography on the internet does more that just provide sexual arousal and gratification. Remember, the narcissist who cannot resist internet porn may be being triggered by an intense need … Continue reading

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Would You Buy A Used Car From Me?

I’ve never worked in sales. The prospect of such a job fills me with dread, but many people tell me I have the gift of the gab. Maybe I should be more open-minded? Would you buy a used car from … Continue reading

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