Monthly Archives: May 2015

Democratic Coalition Crack-Up

Comments to Steve Sailer: * South Asians think about politics the way Jews do because they are as clannish as Jews are. East Asians are less clannish than that. They would be more likely to enter into a coalition with … Continue reading

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Jews Up, Christians Down In America According To Pew Research

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Jews did a better job emphasizing the social and cultural aspect and lifestyle benefits of their religion, like stable marriages and families, than Christian churches. Secular Jews identify as Jews, secular people raised as Christians … Continue reading

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Confessions Of A Hasidic New York Landlord

He tells “If there’s a black tenant in the house—in every building we have, I put in white tenants. They want to know if black people are going to be living there. So sometimes we have ten apartments and … Continue reading

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Do Methodists Make For Good Roommates?

Orthodox Friend: Hey buddy, I have a serious question for you. My daughter is going to university next year and will be rooming with two other girls. A potential roommate is Methodist. I know nothing about that in my sheltered … Continue reading

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The Fruits Of Feminism

Link: “Feminism has a) eliminated any need for ALPHA males to marry, b) significantly reduced the desirability of marriage for all men, and c) reduced the ability of non-ALPHA males to marry women congruent with their socio-sexual rank.”

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