Monthly Archives: April 2015

American Jewish Yearbook 2014

Link: Hopes were high that Congress might enact long sought reforms to the nation’s immigration system. Surveys showed that the Hispanic vote had grown to 10% of the electorate in the 2012 election and Conservative pundits opined that the Republican … Continue reading

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Are You A Bad Person If You Want Your Country Free Of Certain People?

Many of my Jewish friends would like the West to be free of Muslims, blacks and mestizo Mexicans. I am sure Muslims and many non-Jews in the world would like their lands free of Jews. I am sure that most … Continue reading

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Anti-Goyim Bigotry

The hate that dare not speak its name. Comments to Steve Sailer: * The press has a pattern of focusing on white crimes (UVA) while ignoring others, and of always taking the ani-white side in disputes (Duke Lacross, Ferguson.) This … Continue reading

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The Human Biodiversity Synthesis

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: A synthesis has been forming in the field of human biodiversity. It may be summarized as follows: 1. Human evolution did not end in the Pleistocene or even slow down. In fact, it speeded up with … Continue reading

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Black Murderers Matter

Dennis Prager writes: The “Black Lives Matter” campaign is based on as big a lie as the “campus rape culture” lie, the Rolling Stone magazine gang rape at the University of Virginia fraternity lie, the gang rape by the Duke … Continue reading

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