Daily Archives: March 8, 2015

Is Jewish Support For Civil Rights Based On Jewish Texts?

From Edward S. Shapiro’s (he is the father of academic superstar Marc B. Shapiro) 2005 collection of essays — We Are Many: Reflections On American Jewish History And Identity: …If support for blacks is an ineluctable result of Jewish values, … Continue reading

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Jewish Supremacy

I’m tired of Jews kvetching about the evils of white supremacy. Every self-respecting Jew believes that Jews are God’s Chosen People, and yeah, we’re superior at some things. Every group has unique gifts. Every group believes that overall it is … Continue reading

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A Jew’s Best Friend Is His Rebbe

Chaim Amalek writes: When Moshiach comes, every goy will strive to be friends with every Jew, and you will have more goy friends than you can shake a lulav at. Of course, Yidden will know that a goy can never … Continue reading

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Are Arabs Lascivious?

Tahrir Square in Cairo was the center of Egypt’s pro-democracy movement in 2011. It was also the site of a lot of rapes. REPORT FROM JUNE 9, 2014: Yesterday thousands of Egyptians gathered in Tahrir Square to celebrate the inauguration … Continue reading

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Horror night in Swedish Muslim ghetto: gang raped, raped until bleeding with a gun, gang raped again

REPORT: The risk of being raped in Sweden during one’s lifetime is one out of four (if every raped woman is only raped once), which is probably equal to the risk of being raped in countries in war, such as … Continue reading

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