Daily Archives: March 4, 2015

Tribes Vs WASPs

I was shocked and appalled when my first real girlfriend, a Chinese-Cambodian immigrant to California told me that when her older siblings took her out to eat, she would pocket most of the tips they left for the waitresses, saying … Continue reading

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For The Discerning Reader

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Publishing this today would risk prosecution under the hate laws. Unless Johnson (who, like Orwell, has never been much of a fan of the Irish) publishes it to shame Darwin. Then it’s legally okay.” It … Continue reading

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Is free speech good or bad for the Jews?

Free speech is good when it helps Jews and bad when it hurts Jews. Roger Cukierman is not an anomaly among Jews. Jews have not survived and prospered for thousands of years by boosting free speech. Cukierman is probing for … Continue reading

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The Varieties Of The Campus Rape Experience

Steve Sailer writes: The topic of campus rape is beloved by the molders of the conventional wisdom because it’s so amorphous, thus allowing them to stamp their hatreds upon it. To bring clarity to the subject, it’s important to try … Continue reading

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Do WASPs Have A Death Wish?

Chaim Amalek How many reminders do we need that the WASP elites in Europe have a death wish? Wally Wharton Excuse me— It’s plain old “political correctness”— and for some strange reason Jews are plenty guilty of falling prey to … Continue reading

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