The Varieties Of The Campus Rape Experience

Steve Sailer writes: The topic of campus rape is beloved by the molders of the conventional wisdom because it’s so amorphous, thus allowing them to stamp their hatreds upon it.

To bring clarity to the subject, it’s important to try to draw distinctions along multiple dimensions, such as:

– Between actual and nonexistent cases.

– Between rape and regret

– Between cases where the woman never consented to any sex acts and ones in which she enthusiastically consented to some acts, but maybe not to some others, and definitely not to some others, but it seems prurient to inquire too closely about exactly what…

It’s the usual drunken freshman coed with black jocks debauch that doesn’t make all that much sense. First the three basketball players gang rape her at a party, then (from the lawsuit):

“The three UO basketball players then took Plaintiff back to one of their UO off-campus housing apartments where they continued to gang rape Plaintiff, at one point trying to get additional students in the building to rape Plaintiff.”

The phrase “took Plaintiff back” raises a lot of questions.

But, assuming this U. of Oregon coed, Jane Doe, is white [LF: No, black], this seems to reflect a pretty common pattern of sheltered white freshmen coeds getting to college, and then alcohol, I Am Curious, Black fantasies, and Big Time Sports Charisma combine disastrously, while black jocks engage in solidarity-building gang bangs, with the interracial element adding to the fun.

This appears to be a pretty common pattern.


* Why did you post the link to that pdf? It will now take months to scrub that document from my head. And for what? To learn it was a typical negro hookup with regrets after she told her daddy (ok – not so typical in that respect, maybe her daddy is white?) and he called the cops (yeah, daddy probably is white). What rape victim voluntarily gives a BJ to her rapist the next day? This is what the cops are doing on the taxpayer’s time? Writing plot lines for negro soap operas?

* If you read the (disturbing) police report you’ll see that, while the players behaved like lowlife scum, there doesn’t seem to have been a criminal rape. Therefore no charges were brought, and there are no grounds to lock these guys up.

All of the alleged incident took place off campus.

So it seems like the plaintiff’s lawsuit is saying: “sure, there wasn’t enough to lock these guys up, but the University must make sure they are off mistreating some less fortunate young women, rather than people like me who are lucky enough to attend the University of Oregon.”

If they are free to live in the community of adult citizens, why should it be a tort that they were enrolled at the University while they behaved like scoundrels?

* Given the radical difference in mating rituals between collegiate sports negroes and suburban white beta boys, I can see where a LOT of “rapes” would arise. The suburban white girl thinks “oh, he wants me to go upstairs and see his Star Wars figurine collection” while the sports negro thinks “dis hoe be wantin muh dik.” In the police report for this incident I was struck by the fact the “victim” didn’t see anything terribly amiss with being pulled into a small bathroom with three strange men. She said she “shook her ass” for them when asked and only learned something was wrong when she found a penis in her mouth. And she still went home with the three after turning down a ride with her friends, then slept over, then gave one of them a BJ and a hump the next morning. This is a level of promiscuity I thought reserved for gay men. It goes far toward explaining the STD rate among negroes.

* These blacks are not doing anything they haven’t done dozens of times before back home in their neighborhoods. Sex among blacks in the inner cities runs very roughly along the lines of the police report, but is never, ever reported. At what age are black girls first forced into sex? I don’t believe a word of the self-reporting surveys or polls. Those have as much validity as the surveys which try to show the incidents of drug use among blacks is roughly the same as among Whites even though blacks are by multiples overrepresented in emergency visits for drug overdoses, rehab and the rest. Again, you do not get rates of STDs among blacks in the numbers reported by the CDC without rampant sexual predation and activity even though every public survey and report assures that blacks’ sexual promiscuity is little different from Whites.

What an awful, sad and tawdry world (by White standards) most blacks inhabit.

The unfortunate White girls who get entangled in the black world (and I’m more concerned about White working class girls–this college thing is a tiny blip on the radar) are just ill-informed and clueless. They just need a little information–as Steve said before, a people who can’t protect their girls and woman from getting raped–nothing is more shameful.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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