Do WASPs Have A Death Wish?

Chaim Amalek How many reminders do we need that the WASP elites in Europe have a death wish?

Wally Wharton Excuse me— It’s plain old “political correctness”— and for some strange reason Jews are plenty guilty of falling prey to political correctness, as well as “the Yidden” (as you love to call us.) Just look at all the Jewish liberal/leftists who live on the west side of L.A. who are selling us down the tubes because of their continual support of left-wing causes, i.e., higher property taxes, more $$$ for schools, social programs for people who’ll NEVER get it together, help for illegal aliens and their anchor babies, etc. etc. and the list goes on and on.

Chaim Amalek Wally, there simply are not enough Jews left in Europe to rationally blame for what Norwegians do to themselves in inviting in Sudanese immigrants, or for the English disease of letting in Pakis to rape their own daughters. I don’t know what goes on in the West Side of LA, but in New York, Yidden (orthodox Jews) want nothing to do with 3rd World immigrants and they keep them out of their neighborhoods. Even on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, you won’t see many except as servants.

Chaim Amalek The Christian English (by which I mean those ethnically white English who are descended from Anglicans) are an inferior, sub-muslim race of beings who well deserve the elimination they are now experiencing at the hands of immigrant groups.

Luke Ford Perhaps the biggest problem for WASPs is that they are not engaging in enough solidarity-building gangbangs?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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