Monthly Archives: March 2015

Chinese Anchor Babies

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Under the present regime the feds stick us taxpayers with the bill for this federal investigation of birth tourism rackets – another cost burden that our Dear Rulers force us to bear. This whole schmear … Continue reading

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Queer’s Pleas For Help Were Hoax

CINCINNATI — A plea for help on social media spurred an overnight search effort in the Tri-State — but police say the whole thing was a hoax. At about 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, local gay rights activist Adam Hoover, 20, started … Continue reading

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Deport Muslims To Cut Crime

REPORT: Norway recently made the controversial decision to deport a large amount of Muslims with ties to radical groups. Despite all the liberals in Norway deeming this “racist”, the logical party went ahead with it and the result almost shut … Continue reading

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Should We Go Our Separate Ways?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I wonder if they realize that the natural solution to their stated grievances, the natural end to which all trends are pointing, is to have white-only and black-only parts of town? White-only and black-only businesses … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigration With Representation

NYT: “The timing of the vote was auspicious, and strategic. By bringing up the legislation on the day that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel addressed a joint meeting of Congress, Mr. Boehner capitalized on the spectacle and the political … Continue reading

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