Chinese Anchor Babies

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Under the present regime the feds stick us taxpayers with the bill for this federal investigation of birth tourism rackets – another cost burden that our Dear Rulers force us to bear.

This whole schmear – birth tourism and its low-rent sibling: illegal aliens’ anchor babies – could go away tomorrow upon passage of a constitutional amendment declaring an end to birthright citizenship.

While we wait for that amendment, don’t hold your breath.

* For those who think we should import more Chinese, just consider how readily they cheat and steal from Americans. When they reach critical mass, they’ll abandon all pretenses and claim that it’s their “right” to do so.

I like and admire Chinese people and culture, but anyone who thinks they won’t press an advantage out of some sense of common decency is a damned fool.

* I’m done with having any faith in anything as ridiculous as a modern nation. I’ll no longer let the outcome of any political debate affect my happiness, because Americans (and most people from most countries) are too ignorant to govern themselves. That’s not to say I’m a universalist or a multiculturalist or whatever. It’s to say that America is now a nation mostly full of idiots, and far too large and diverse to be of any use as a nation. Count me now as a member of a wandering tribe. I plan to pick up citizenship in random countries as it suits me.

I’m not a believer in the Bible, but as it says: “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing…All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.”

My idealism is dead. From now on when I need something from a politician, I’ll get it the old-fashioned way: via bribery and/or blackmail.

* It’s not only IQ, though. Culture is also very important. Individualistic vs. collective, rule of law vs. law of rule. In small numbers, whites and Asians don’t bump heads much but, in larger numbers, there would be a culture clash or conflict over resources.

Asian nations seem to understand quite well. Pity the Western nations don’t.

* Back in the antediluvian 20th century, Mexican anchor babies often were popped out on the sidewalk in San Ysidro, or with more stamina, in Chula Vista. The beaming madre had waited across the border in TJ until her water broke, and then was escorted through the gate to ensure that a new Americano was born in El Norte.

The Chinese have gone high concept, what with birthing hotels and Visa fraud. That .5 SD IQ increment comes with a lot of nasty side effects, as many ex-pats can attest. Don’t be too certain that you’re getting the right end of the curve.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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