Monthly Archives: March 2015

Kevin Spacey Loves His Arab Youths

It’s heartwarming to see his charity towards underprivileged Arab boys. I am sure Kevin’s Arab hosts are grateful for his patronage and reward him handsomely in whatever manner he wishes ala Lawrence of Arabia. REPORT: Kevin Spacey couldn’t make it … Continue reading

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For College

* In my senior year of high school, I called a few phone sex lines from my home. My mother later asked me about the charges and if they were for college. I said they were for college and that … Continue reading

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Are Jews Losing Control Of The Media?

Steve Sailer writes: BDS hasn’t yet become respectable in the United States. The main exception has been in the playpen of student government on California college campuses, where the much-celebrated diversity has proven fertile ground for undergraduate demagogues. So far, … Continue reading

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The Gifts Of The Gays Public health officials across the West Coast are urging medical professionals to look out for cases of ocular syphilis – a sexually transmitted disease that can cause blindness – after two potential cases in Los Angeles recently. On Thursday, … Continue reading

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‘No Jews Allowed’ Clubs Are Good For The Jews

I’ve never seen any signs saying, “No Jews Allowed.” So long as these sentiments don’t lead to violence, I think they’re good for the Jews. They increase our group solidarity and make the chip on our shoulder bigger so that … Continue reading

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