Are Jews Losing Control Of The Media?

Steve Sailer writes:

BDS hasn’t yet become respectable in the United States. The main exception has been in the playpen of student government on California college campuses, where the much-celebrated diversity has proven fertile ground for undergraduate demagogues. So far, BDS resolutions have been passed by eight student governments, Loyola of Chicago and seven California schools: private Stanford and a half dozen public University of California campuses, including Berkeley and UCLA, both of which are of symbolic importance. (Tellingly, a BDS resolution was defeated at UC Santa Barbara, which has the whitest UC student body at 36 percent.)

In California, the state with the largest number and greatest diversity of newcomers, immigration is destabilizing the American order in which Jews have thrived.
In recent months, Jewish centrists such as journalists Jonathan Chait and Jamie Kirchick have become increasingly alarmed over whether the Obama Coalition’s identity politics jihad against white privilege, male privilege, straight privilege, and now even cisgender privilege will eventually turn against the privileges of the single richest and most influentialethnic group in America: Jews.


* They have a fantasy narrative of blending in with the aggrieved and becoming king of the outcasts. Look at Hollywood movies like Avatar, Last of the Mohicans (directed by Michaell Mann), the Last Samurai (directed by Edward Zwick) and the dozens of other Hollywood blockbusters that feature a white-ish person (but one who’s very decidedly not like those European whites) who becomes enthroned and worshiped by the marginalized outcasts and uses them to wage war on that old devil Europe.


* I’m curious about how some younger Jewish intellectuals, with less attachment to Israel, feel about this. Noah Smith, for example, who is an advocate for mass immigration, said on Twitter recently that Israel wasn’t in the top 5 of countries he cared about. I’d send him a link to your Taki column and ask, but he gets mad sometimes when I mention your name.

In any case, what I wonder is whether they are untroubled by the BDS movement, seeing it just as an anti-Israel thing, or as the first taste of a more assertive hostility toward Jews from recent 3rd world immigrants.

* In France you have the burgeoning Muslim/non-white population soon slated to become the numerical majority. Also you have a long-established rich and successful Jewish population.
Apart from being more or less openly hated and despised by the Muslims/non-whites, French Jews are looked upon as some sort of ‘super-whites’, in that they seem to exemplify epitomise the power, money, control and ‘privilege’ that the immigrants find so galling and envy inducing in everyday garden variety French whites.

* Asians seem to view Jews as some sort of super-white person (often not entirely negatively, as they lack the cultural prohibitions against usury, etc), but they are still going to compete for elite spots. Hispanics have the usual old-school Catholic prejudices. And Muslims, of course, love knifing Jews in the streets of France.

* Rarely if ever do I see Taki’s usual suspects acknowledge that we gentiles are entirely complicit in our own demise, which renders their Judeophobic jeremiads little more than special pleading. And I demur at your suggestion that Jews are behind the “overwhelming majority” of anti-gentile movements. They weren’t behind the French Revolution, which got the whole nasty AWR ball rolling, and they hardly dominate postmodernism, which, if anything, is even more malefic than Frankfurt School Marxism. Trust me–we gentiles have done more than enough to harm ourselves. We don’t require any help from the Jooz on that score.

* A bogus tissue of exaggerations, caricatures and shoddy logic, not to mention the obligatory fevered paranoia. And if anything, you are the one who is anti-gentile, because you believe we are so stupid and feckless that we can be dominated, exploited and ultimately exterminated by a tiny cadre of ubermenchen. Face facts–you cannot posit Jewish dominance without connoting gentile inferiority.

* I think this is a phenomenon common to all humanity and probably has evolutionary origins; namely the assigning of moral culpability to the ‘other’ before yourself. Probably has something to do with differing levels of threat or group selection.

* I’m keeping a YARMULKE in my back pocket just in case. You never know when it may come in handy.
Besides my own kind so far have proven themselves useless in fighting immigration, gender perversion and black race hustler extortion.

CHAIM AMALEK WRITES: I cannot blame the sub-1%? of Australia that is Jewish for what the moron goyim decided to do to themselves.

If I tell you to suck offf a rabid dog and it bites you, am I to blame?

Also, it is not the case that all Jews or even most Jews were yelling at the poor defenseless goyim to attempt sexual intercourse with bears or to shove hot coals up their rectums.

Ted Kennedy, LBJ, GW Bush: Not a Jew among them.

Leaders of Norway, Sweden, etc. not a Jew among them.

Minnesota pastors who import Somalis (!!!!!) not a Jew among them.

Brits who decided to import millions of Pakis – almost all church of England or at least were born to it.

Decision to launch WW 1 (the mother of all disasters to befall the white world this past 100 years): exclusively a gentile affair.

Jews did not kill Archduke Ferdinand, order Kaiser Franz Josef to jump off a cliff or the Tsar to mobilize or Germany to go to war or any of that. All goy.

HRC is a piece of work. Anyone else who did that, establishing their own server so that their official email messages would not be captured by the Fed Gov, even if they were just junior bureaucrats, would end up in jail.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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