For College

* In my senior year of high school, I called a few phone sex lines from my home. My mother later asked me about the charges and if they were for college. I said they were for college and that was it.

* The Saturday I graduated from high school, I went to my first secular party that night and I had a bit of a beer and a wine cooler and made out in the bushes with an Asian girl and then we all went to Dennys. I got home about 4 am. The next day, my dad remarked that I looked like I had aged ten years. That’s the only time in my life I’ve had multiple drinks.

* I was on an Orthodox roller skating date in Santa Monica and the former cheerleader ger girl got nervous about wearing jeans (forbidden for Orthodox women in public) and took me to a shop and had me buy her a skirt to cover over her jeans in case she ran into anyone from the community. Twenty minutes later, we ran into people from the community and she was all covered up. She paid me back, and not in cheerleading services.

Lil writes: “Aw, I wish this would have worked out. I’m glad she got the skirt, although she should have bought it herself. I only hope she got the skirt on her own beliefs and not out of fear of being seen by the community.”

If the Orthodox Jewish community had to rely on people doing what they believed to be right, it would fall apart. The community depends upon fear of what others might say. That’s just how humanity works. Very few people are motivated consistently by high ideals but almost everyone is motivated by preserving their reputation with their in-group. People fear people far more than they fear God. That’s the world God made.

* Orthodox dating. When you ask a frum girl if she prefers the BeeGees or the Miami Boys Yeshiva Choir.

* Orthodox dating ritual #36: Knees touching across the mehitza, by accident of course.

* K: “I recall you always showing up at our Shenandoah gatherings with two cans of Diet Cokes. Caffeine free.”

Sue: Two cans, one for a lucky someone who went into the bushes.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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