Monthly Archives: March 2015

How Do Jews & The NYT Regard Japan?

Comment to Steve Sailer: * A single article that’s heavy on dubious statements and light on any evidence seems a bit flimsy to hang that assertion on. Japanese are pretty skeptical of immigration in general but the idea that they … Continue reading

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Just Keep It Quiet!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It’s funny how most men are fine with homosexuals being homosexuals as long as they agree to the unwritten rule that they keep it out of public life. * One of the interesting questions to … Continue reading

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Jews admire the way Japan keeps out Muslims

Dr. Mordecai Kedar writes: Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to … Continue reading

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King Bibi & Greater Israel

Chaim Amalek writes: “There are, of course, two ways of taking what passes for criticism of Israel in this article. There can be no peace in the mideast so long as Israel stands as a Jewish ethnostate. Therefore, Israel should … Continue reading

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Gentrification = Whites Moving In

A Jewess tells me: My co-workers are talking about white male privilege. Shoot me in the foot. I told them I don’t feel so privileged having crackheads screaming at me every time I step outside my apartment. I told this … Continue reading

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