* It’s funny how most men are fine with homosexuals being homosexuals as long as they agree to the unwritten rule that they keep it out of public life.
* One of the interesting questions to which we will probably never get an honest answer is how much gay men incline toward different kinds of attitudes, professions, and subdisciplines, and how much over- and under-representation they exhibit in these domains.
I rather have the impression that there are many more gay men in academe than in the larger population, and that in certain areas — say the classics and logic — they are quite disproportionately represented. Is that impression borne out by the data? God only knows, of course, because we can’t ask such questions today.
But would it be surprising if more gay men than others are attracted to the many beauties of the now very conservative Western Canon, especially with its white male heroes?
* There is also the strange pro Putin tilt to these anti EU parties that maybe more than skin deep. In any event traditional political alliances and orders both in Europe and the US seem to be fracturing and these new amalgamations of anti immigrant/nationalist sentiment are all over the place in regards to economic policy with Le Pen’s FN leaning left and Farage’s UKIP more pro market, free trade. How any of them view NATO and European security isn’t really clear nor does it seem to be a priority to them.
* Gay rights has a different meaning in Europe, it’s more based on privacy rights rather than American-style change the laws, change the culture. European gays don’t want to change the culture. They want their old, permissive cultures. They are the conservatives!
In the US, gays got smart and realized that they weren’t going to win at the ballot box, so full steam ahead changing the laws and more important, get Corporate America (the real rulers of the US) behind you. Tim Cook now offers his female employees free egg-freezing. Ain’t it grand?
Meanwhile The Netherlands, which is far more permissive about gay rights than the US, has outlawed commercial surrogacy. The next frontier in the US in the gay rights movement is to make commercial surrogacy legal in all 50 states so that gay men can have “their own” children. (Forget about the fact that there are two mothers involved: the egg donor and the gestational carrier.)
The gay nationalist thing has a slight echo in the US. Madison Grant never married or had kids; neither did Lawrence Auster. A lot of white nats are people who have low birthrates themselves and are sensitive to the subject. This doesn’t invalidate their observations. Just saying.
* Auster’s eloquent repugnance at anything homoerotic, or onanistic for that matter, seemed genuine to me. A classic case of Burton’s “liveliest disgust”.
Near the end of his life, one of his few female fans offered to conceive a child with his seed. He was flattered, but horrified. How could you do that to your child? Nature without nurture!
* Blood is thicker than water. When pressure is applied, the false constructed marxist identities of class, gender, sexuality all fall apart. What is left is the true identities of kin and blood.