Monthly Archives: February 2015

Super Bowl Thoughts: New England 28-24 Seattle

Last year, I rooted for the Seahawks because I could not stand seeing Peyton Manning’s smug face on any more commercials. Before this year’s game, I posted on FB: “Seattle is the better team. I don’t understand why they’re not … Continue reading

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Bnei Akiva Camp Might Open To Non-Jews As Well

Jewish Journal: Rabbi Menachem Hecht, Bnei Akiva of Los Angeles’ newly hired and first executive director, said he wants Running Springs to become a meeting point for “Jews across the spectrum” to interact with one another, and added that Bnei … Continue reading

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What happened ‘when the world became white’

So white people saved these Ethiopians and transported them to a first world country, Israel, which then accepted them as Jews despite their complete absence of DNA. Israel took in about 100,000 Ethiopians with an average IQ of 70. It … Continue reading

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NYT: Owners of Patriots and Seahawks Are a Study in Contrasts

The New York Times does not mention that these two owners have very different ethnic backgrounds and they each fit squarely within their own genetic tradition. WASPs tend to be circumspect, Jews tend to be voluble. Paul Allen comes from … Continue reading

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Africa, Asia Have Enormous Room For Improvement, Latin America Not So Much

Latinos (average IQ of 90 in America) are already performing as well as can be expected given their human capital. We should not expect them to do much better than they already do in the United States. They will be … Continue reading

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