Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Dancing Asian Girl

This shy 17yo Jewish kid is dating an Asian girl and it’s upsetting for him. She wants to go to parties where people drink smoke pot and he doesn’t like that. The police broke up the party for noise… One … Continue reading

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Nazism vs Judaism

In many ways, Nazism and Judaism are opposites (Judaism posits God and a God-given universal moral code), but in some ways, they mirror each other, such as in their advocacy of ethnic unity, nationalism, particularism, and transcendent purpose. Humanity won’t … Continue reading

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Whites Dislike Obama

REPORT: White Protestants overwhelmingly disapprove of Obama. White Catholics are slightly above the national White average. White Atheist support for Obama is way above the White average. Those eternal outsiders, the Jews, are the most pro-Obama of all. Hindus and … Continue reading

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1939 Atlantic Article: ‘I Married A Jew’

You could never publish an article like this today, but privately I suspect Jews & non-Jews make these same judgments. Here are some highlights of the article written by the Gentile wife: Then my mother pulled out the oldest and … Continue reading

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Should We Retire The Word ‘Slut’?

* RE: Leading Jewish intellectuals. “They’re lost souls. Sodom and gomorrah got the best of them. They’re worshiping a golden calf of hedonism. Everyone on my israel trip was a hedonist. Pretty much everyone. it was depressing. I’m sick of … Continue reading

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