Monthly Archives: December 2014

Rashi’s Interpretation On Why Avram Told Sarai To Say She Was His Sister, Not Wife

Rashi’s commentary on Genesis 12:11: “I have known for a long time that you are of beautiful appearance, but now we are coming among black and repulsive people who are brothers of the Kushim (Ethiopians) and are unaccustomed to seeing … Continue reading

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Why Am I Reacting This Way?

After years and years of therapy, I’m finding my self-talk moving away a little from wondering why other people act the way they do to why do I react the way I do. For instance, instead of worrying quite so … Continue reading

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Are Lower Oil Prices Good For The Jews?

What this world needs is some fearless blogger who will explain why events are good or bad for different races. As Jews seem to be oil consumers much more than oil producers, lower oil prices seem to be good for … Continue reading

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How Do You Preserve A People?

I am reading this interview with Greg Johnson, a right-winger who’s no friend of the Jews. He says: All the causes of species extinction in the natural world apply to whites today. We’re losing our habitats, we’re hybridizing with other … Continue reading

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White Guy Murdered In St Louis

Steve Sailer writes: “The 32-year-old victim of mob violence had lived in the United States for the majority of his life, but the important thing is he’s Bosnian, not white. Please, nobody mention the W-word.” Here are some choice comments … Continue reading

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